Cleaning Service West Boylston
Dirt And The Five Second Rule
You've heard it since you were a kid. Something along the lines of if a piece of food hits the floor, you have five seconds to pick it up and put it back into rotation. Well... that's not exactly correct. In fact, it is completely wrong and very bad information. And since we are the cleaning experts, you know... the company folks call when they need the help of a Cleaning Service West Boylston residents and businesses love, they call us, Worcester Cleaning, we should know.
Seriously. Do we think dirt is lazy? Do we think germs just sit there on the floor waiting for a piece of food to drop and think... "OK... I see it. A nice crumb. Hmmmmm, looks like they're not going to pick it up. It's been almost 8 seconds now. Well... I guess I will go attack it." Do we think there is some sort of "agreement" between us and dirt that it waits a reasonable amount of time before attaching it self to dropped food? Nope. Wrong. Let me tell you: germs glom onto that dropped food in about 10 MILLISECONDS! That's 10 millionths of a second! A very, VERY short amount of time. That's right. Dirt is really fast. So unless you can swoop down and retrieve that fallen gem in well under the blink of an eye, that morsel is a goner. But still, people ignore the rules all the time. That's why it is important to call on the Cleaning Service West Boylston folks have learned to rely on. Worcester Cleaning. Because even if there's a person still tricked into the 5-second rule in your home or business, at least the place will be spotlessly clean—just in case!
I know, I know. The truth about dirt and germs is cruel. You've abided by the five second rule for most of your life and you're still alive. Well bully for you! You can thank biology for that. There's a little thing called a "quorum" that any bacteria needs to carry out it's nefarious deeds. In other words, there are so many competing bacterias on just about every surface, that only until one gains a majority and can "take over" does it start to spread and grow in earnest. Yes. The science of dirt is not pretty. But as long as there is a Cleaning Service West Boylston can call to keep the dirt and germs that abound under control, and stop the inevitable from wreaking havoc, we're all safe. Use this handy guide for do-it-yourself quick and easy cleaning tips, or just call us to take your shine to the next level.
As we continue to wage an all-out war against dirt and germs, we also take the time to spread the word about the insidious nature of dastardly dirt and it's conniving cousin, germs, so that people in West Boylston can thank the cleaning service that opened their eyes to the fallacy of the five-second rule--and get a super cleaning job done in the process! Call the cleaning company that people trust. Call Worcester Cleaning: (508) 756-2021 and say adios to germs that annoy.