So the holidays are behind us and it’s time now to hunker down and hibernate for the winter. Get the herb tea and the blankets going. All good. Except, well, staying inside a lot more means germs also stay inside with us. Bummer.
There is hope however. Give us a call to get those pesky germs rounded up and hauled out. Along with any other junk, trash, garbage, etc. you may have sitting around gathering dust. We will separate the good stuff from the junk, and get the useful stuff you no longer want hauled off to Goodwill.
All in a days work for us. We’ve seen it all and cleaned it all. No matter your situation, we’re here to help. We're the Worcester professional cleaning company that knows how to get things clean.
Your Situation?
Perhaps you have older relatives or disabled individuals living with you. The holidays have made it hard to keep things as clean as usual, the dirt and dust is likely piling up. Or maybe you have other ways you’d rather spend your time than cleaning. That’s what we’re here for! Full-Scale cleaning at your service! We have great people skills too. Sure we’re house cleaners and all, but we’re also aware that we’re coming into your home, so we are very tuned into to being as invisible as possible. Folks like it that way.
Maybe it’s been awhile since your place has had a real good cleaning. A real good, deep cleaning is what we're talking about. In addition to cleaning and disinfecting, we go through cabinets, the food pantry and drawers getting rid of crumbs and expired foods. The result is a sparkling demonstration of utter cleanliness and homey-ness.
Sometimes no matter how hard you try to keep things clean and every variable under control… yup: mice squeeze their way in. Once you’ve gotten rid of the rodent(s) and figured out where they’re getting in and plugging it up, there’s still the visible and germ-nasty mess they left behind. We are the top cleaning service in Worcester when it comes to rodent mess cleanups.
Call us. We’re here to help in exactly these situations. We can help clean your inside cabinets, countertops closets, under radiators and under sinks. We go one step further: wherever we find suspected rodent entry holes that have been missed, we can seal the holes up with stainless steel and spray foam. The best deterrent we know to combat future entry.
The BIG mess
We don’t shy away from the extreme messes. Like hoarding messes for example. Nope. We get out ahead of it. We get the dumpster if that’s what you need. We separate the trash from the keepers, and away goes the trash. Or we put everything outside your home and say "Free to good home" whoever wants it - takes it home. Then whatever is left behind, we pick up and take to the dump. Easy-breezy. Problem solved.
We are all about customer service backed up with hard work to deliver the cleanest clean around.